Get ready to take control of your finances, your business and live your life.

Mindset + Strategy + Action = Success

I help you build a profitable business that lets you take time off when you want.

So you can spend less time on your phone and more time enjoying life outside of work and doing what you love.

Because let’s be real: your business shouldn’t fall apart simply because you weren’t on the tools or at your desk, because you finally took that holiday, or because you didn’t answer that one phone call.

“Hey, Amanda, I want to…”

  • Work less IN the business and work more ON the business.

  • Be across my financial position and know which levers to pull for improved profitability and cashflow

  • Create a business that is consistently profitable and operates smoothly when I step away from phone.

  • Stop putting out operational and financial fires every day and be proactive.

  • Implement the right processes and systems to save time, stress, effort and money.

I want to support you in making your business one that you love, that serves you and supports the life you are building and creating around it.

Business was never supposed to be done alone.